Surely you have heard this sentence many times already in different
contexts: “Humans are social beings.” That does not only mean that we
like to have a chat with friends once in a while- the aspects of
social behavior are far more complex and the effects of it are as
crucial as its complexity. Social behavior plays an important role for
our health and survival. For instance Oxytocin which is released in
response to social interactions, plays a role in forming bonds between
mates. Likewise, inhaling oxytocin has been shown to increase trust in
others in humans. So while even the social interaction itself and the
feeling of it is proven to have an outcome on a neurobiological level,
why not make use of this in the healthcare context? Well, this has
been already thought of, and such a concept is already existent:
namely the self- help groups.
Self-help groups are self-organized communities of people with similar
issues or concerns who come together to act, again, together. The
estimated number of such groups in Germany are around 70,000 to
100,000. From chronic illnesses like COPD, life
and social difficulties, self- help groups are aiming to address a
variety of problems. Providing a platform for information exchange,
practical life assistance, and emotional support, self- help groups
are depicting a way to live with the inevitable burden of the disease
in line with something coded in the DNA of the humans: socializing.
Evolution and Support of Self-Help Groups in Germany
The concept of self-help groups can be traced back to the 19th-century
emancipation movements, evolving significantly after the societal
changes of the 1960s. Germany's healthcare system backs self-help
groups nationally, regionally, and locally, with equal importance on
all levels, enabling these groups to gain acceptance as a valuable
complementary asset to professional healthcare.
There is more to the self-help- systems in Germany: Self-help
organizations, often organized at the regional or national level, are
associations of multiple self-help groups. They play a role in
important health-related decisions and receive
financial support
from health insurance, pension funds, and donations. Self-help contact
points are local or regional professional advisory services that
support the establishment and ongoing activities of self-help groups.
These contact points play a crucial role in connecting individuals
with existing groups and facilitating new group formations.
The Rise of Online Self-Help Groups
Approaching 2024, where almost everything can be conducted on an
online base, online self-help is becoming increasingly popular as
well. This enables individuals to seek support through internet
forums, mailing lists,direct messaging and chat groups. Even the
National Contact and Information Point (NAKOS) has been actively
involved in exploring and promoting online self-help initiatives, with
the establishment of platforms like "selbsthilfe-interaktiv.de" to
facilitate virtual self-help groups.
In conclusion, self-help groups in Germany play a significant role in
addressing a range of personal and health-related
challenges, with the support of both the healthcare system and various
organizational structures. Germany supports self-help groups
transparently, stressing independence and effectiveness. Other than
that, online self-help is emerging as a complementary avenue for
individuals seeking support and information.
Having stressed the importance and benefits of self-help groups for
chronic diseases like COPD, we would now like to provide you with a
list of COPD self-help groups in Germany. In addition to those groups,
you always have a professional to ask questions on COPD with the
Breathment Therapy App
. Book an appointment with us now to experience how we aim to enhance
your life with COPD and ease your