
Close the care gaps with Breathment

Continuous Care, Lower Costs

Provide your members with easy access to comprehensive support in the various phases of COPD. From prevention to rehabilitation, your patients receive the physical and behavior-based support that they need to manage their illness.


What sets Breathment apart?

Data based insights
Gain detailed insights into the health-related data of your members through our pseudonymized remote patient monitoring.
Personalized Treatments
With our coaches and AI-based therapy app, we provide your members with an adaptive COPD therapy that is easy to access and use.
Improved outcomes
Offer proven methods of respiratory physiotherapy and disease management through Breathment to enhance the success of the therapy.
Seamless care
Address the gaps in preventive and rehabilitative care for COPD patients and avoid overuse, underuse and misuse of resources.
Lower Costs
Prevent unnecessary hospitalizations and readmissions through continuous and personalized therapy.

Our programs

Prevention Rehabilitation
With the right treatment, it's possible to maintain a high quality of life even with COPD. However, only about 10% of patients in Germany participate in a Disease Management Program (DMP). Breathment offers an interactive, integrated, and virtual treatment option for the preventive treatment of COPD.

Our programs



With the right treatment, it's possible to maintain a high quality of life even with COPD. However, only about 10% of patients in Germany participate in a Disease Management Program. Breathment offers an interactive, integrated, and virtual treatment option for the preventive treatment of COPD.


Breathment's hybrid follow-up rehabilitation starts immediately after discharge to improve wellbeing of the patient and reduce shortness of breath. With the personal support of Breathment coaches, the Breathment Therapy App enables patients to perform personalized rehabilitation exercises and training, helping them to better manage COPD and successfully navigate through the post-discharge period.